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Marquee Society

For over 50 years, Greenbrier Valley Theatre has provided the Greater Greenbrier Valley with thousands of hours of joy, education, and community engagement through live, professional theatre. As we plan for our centenary, we look to our donors to ensure that GVT continues to enlighten, enrich, and enliven the life of our region through live theatre and educational programs.

Listing GVT as a beneficiary in your will or revocable trust is an easy way to make a lasting impact on your favorite organization.  Simply advise your attorney to add the following phrase to your new will (or as a codicil to an existing will) or revocable trust:

"I give to Greenbrier Repertory Theatre Company, Inc. the sum of $__."

(A dollar amount can be substituted with: "or  __% of my estate."; "or  all the rest, residue, or remainder of my estate.")

Printable Bequest Language is available below.

Bequests can be general gifts to the organization, added to our endowment for use in perpetuity, or specified in any other way.

Your bequest can manifest in any way you choose, including:

·       Support for our Mainstage Series

·       Scholarships for our Youth Education Program

·       Support for our Touring Initiative

·       Naming any available space (listed under "Naming Opportunities) for you or a loved one

GVT also graciously accepts legacy gifts of stock, life insurance policies, 401Ks, other retirement plans, vehicles, and other property (buildings, household items, etc.). Please email or call 304.645.3838 ext. 103 with questions or for more information regarding bequests.